Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Columbian Exchange transformed the world in a more radical (drastic) way than any other development in world history. One significant effect of this process(advance) was the establishment of the Triangle Trade. While many factors were a part of the Triangle Trade, the rapid growth in both supply and demand for new commodities was the largest motivating element. This time period may be best associated(linked) with economic developments, but it is impossible to analyze(consider) this period without considering the intense social impact that the Triangle Trade had on those involved. In truth, a full understanding can only be gained by appreciating(understanding) how economic and social factors(happenings) impact each other in history.

The Columbian Exchange which is the exchange of goods from Europe and America, changed the world in a drastic way. One effect of this advance was the beginning of the Triangle Trade. The triangle trade was a route that was taken to get slaves. The quick growth in supply and demand for new commodities was the biggest moving element. This time period could be best linked with economic advancement, but it is impossible to consider this period without bringing into thought the huge social impact that the triangle trade had on the people involved in it. You have to understand how economic and social happenings impact each other in history to understand everything.

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