Monday, March 17, 2008

Qtr. 3 Book Portfolio

If I Should Die Before I Wake, by Han Nolan is about a girl named Hilary who gets into a motorcycle accident and is put in the hospital. She dreams that her name is Chana and she is a jew. Her whole time is at the hospital as she drifts in and out of consiousnous she lives in another world.

She is sent to a concentration camp and stripped down to nothing. ( People today can still remember this moment in their life like Henny Fletcher Aronson who was one of the many victims of the Nazi concentration camps.

"As we came to Stutthof, they told the women to get out, and they said we will meet, we'll meet up with your, uh, husbands and fathers later on. So my sister-in-law, the two of us got off the train, and, uh, I think, you know, I'm not sure if they had transportation. Yes, they had, I think, open, open trucks where we were, uh, piled in, and we were brought to Stutthof. And then we were told, of course, right away my coat was taken away, and whatever else I had, which was very little, I suppose, because, uh, I didn't have a chance to take anything with me. And I held on to my mother, and then they told us to disrobe. Uh, you know, they had always tables and young Germans sitting behind it. And they said to us, "Okay, go in in this large area and disrobe." I mean by disrobe take everything off. So here I am next to my mother, hundreds of women, and we had to be totally naked coming in in front of a desk with a bunch of young hoodlums. So what do you think in a case like that? They are creatures from some other planet. There was no planet then, but creatures from hell. Why should I bother worrying about them, what they look at me. Because how demeaning can you even feel with standing your mother and relatives and friends, I mean I didn't have relatives, my, my sister-in-law. And here you are standing totally naked, and they look at you, it's like.... So, uh, I just stood there, and they just looked at us, and then they told us to go in the back to take showers, and they gave us the uniforms, the striped uniforms, and this is how our ordeal started. And this is concentration camp."

After being hosed down, shaved and given raggy clothes to wear Chana was sent out into the freezing winter air along with the others. Days passed and everyone is starving. The prisoners are continually pushed to their limits, some people drop dead right where they are working and are just left there. Chana stays strong knowing her grandmother is their to support her. Day after day the jobs get harder and less food is given out. Many jews were beat and some were burnt alive. They were treated like wild animals and not like human beings. One women remembers that time in her life all too well.

"I have seen a lot of dead people around, all over, and I guess when you see so many, it doesn't really make that much of an impression. One of the times in Ostrowiec Lager [camp] I was in the, uh, outhouse, in the bathroom, which was on the corner of the, uh, uh, area where like it was a big area in the center of the camp, and then all the barracks were around it, mostly actually on two sides, and the outhouse was at the corner. And I happened to have gone into the outhouse and, uh, all at once there is a commotion and everybody is rushed into their barracks, because that's where they were supposed to go, and, uh, I got stuck in the bathroom. Well, I got up on the seat and I looked out of the little window on the top, and what had happened is some people tried to escape, and they were caught. And I guess they were wounded, and there was some shooting going on, and they got about, I think, four people to dig graves just outside of the wire of the fence of the camp. And they brought these, uh, people that tried to escape, that were, uh, shot already, but they were not dead. And they made the other Jews bury these people that were not really dead yet, and they were begging not to be buried, that they're still alive, that they should do something to kill them. But they didn't do anything, they just buried them alive. And these people had to do it, or else, these poor people who that were been picked to do it, because otherwise they themselves would have would up in--dead. That was a very, very traumatic experience. I can still hear them screaming."- Ruth Webber.

Eventually Hilary fully recovered and stopped living in Chana's life. She did not come out of it unchanged. She changed her views and opinions on many things completely.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Plymouth Essay

The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.

Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.
In the middle of night he breaks into a wigwam looking for Corbitant. He had people with him with guns and women and children were very scared. It was very chaotic. Secondly Miles invites people to dinner with him and stabs the guy for not having the same beliefs. A guy who traded with the indians more than pilgrims Miles forced to leave. Standish used violence in all his encounters with people who were not helping out the pilgrims.

Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War. He got together a group of men and went after the indians. Tried to use the indians tactics against them. They were outnumbered and had to leave in a canoe. Church and his soldiers were ambushed in the middle of the night and King Philip was killed. Church led his men to the indians shelter where they said a few words in honor of King Philip. Church was expected to hunt down two notoriuos warriors and he captured some indians and brought them to Plymouth. Benjamin Church provided leadership for his men and in the end he captured and killed many indians which is what he set out to do.

Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism. The pilgrims did not want to kill the indians they just wanted to create a community where everyone had the same religion and beliefs. The pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving as new colonists arrived because most of them were puritans. They ended up living in peace with the Wampanoags until 1664 . Puritans like the pilgrims were religous people and they celebrated their religous freedom.

The founding of english colonies in Massachussets combined violence and religion to create a community. Miles Standish used violence to protect the colonies. Benjamin Church used leadership to take over the indians. The colonies were founded on religion. There was a constant battle between the pilgrims and the indians and many men helped to make the pilgrim community the best one as possible. Everything was based on religion and in order to keep the religion the same they had to use violence.

Plymouth Essay outline

I. Introduction

A. The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.

B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]

C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]

D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]

E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]

II. First Major Point

A. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.

B. In the middle of night he breaks into a wigwam looking for Corbitant. He had people with him with guns and womenand children were very scared. chaotic.

C. Miles invites people to dinner with him and stabs him.

D. A guy who traded with the indians more than pilgrims Miles forced to leave.

E. Standish used violence in all his encounters with people who were not helping out the pilgrims.

III. Second Major Point

A. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.

B. He got together a group of men and went after the indians. Tried to use the indians tactics against them. They were outnumbered and had to leave in a canoe.

C. Church and his soldiers were ambushed in the middle of the night and King Philip was killed. Church led his men to the indians shelter where they said a few words in honor of King Philip.

D. Church was expected to hunt down two notoriuos warriors and he captured some indians and brought them to Plymouth.

E. Benjamin Church provided leadership for his men and in the end he captured and killed many indians which is what he set out to do.

IV. Third Major Point

A. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.

B. The pilgrims did not want to kill the indians they just wanted to create a community where everyone had the same religion and beliefs.

C. The pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving as new colonists arrived because most of them were puritans.

D. They ended up living in peace with the Wampanoags until 1664 .

E. Puritans like the pilgrims were religous people and they celebrated their religous freedom.

V. Conclusion

A. The founding of english colonies in Massachussets combined violence and religion to create a community.

B. Miles Standish used violence to protect the colonies.

C. Benjamin Church used leadership to take over the indians.

D. The colonies were founded on religion.

E. There was a constant battle between the pilgrims and the indians and many men helped to make the pilgrim community the best one as possible. Everything was based on religion and in order to keep the religion the same they had to use violence.