Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Plymouth Essay outline

I. Introduction

A. The founding of English colonies in modern Massachusetts combined a strange mix of idealism and violence.

B. Preview first major point (without support) [Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.]

C. Preview second major point (without support) [ Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.]

D. Preview third major point (without support) [Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.]

E. Significance of Thesis [It is important to understand the full history of these areas because this is what Americans generally consider to be our nation's beginning.]

II. First Major Point

A. Miles Standish contributed important protection to the early colonies by using violence.

B. In the middle of night he breaks into a wigwam looking for Corbitant. He had people with him with guns and womenand children were very scared. chaotic.

C. Miles invites people to dinner with him and stabs him.

D. A guy who traded with the indians more than pilgrims Miles forced to leave.

E. Standish used violence in all his encounters with people who were not helping out the pilgrims.

III. Second Major Point

A. Benjamin Church provided vital leadership to protect the colonies during King Philip's War.

B. He got together a group of men and went after the indians. Tried to use the indians tactics against them. They were outnumbered and had to leave in a canoe.

C. Church and his soldiers were ambushed in the middle of the night and King Philip was killed. Church led his men to the indians shelter where they said a few words in honor of King Philip.

D. Church was expected to hunt down two notoriuos warriors and he captured some indians and brought them to Plymouth.

E. Benjamin Church provided leadership for his men and in the end he captured and killed many indians which is what he set out to do.

IV. Third Major Point

A. Despite all of this violence, the colonies were also founded on religious idealism.

B. The pilgrims did not want to kill the indians they just wanted to create a community where everyone had the same religion and beliefs.

C. The pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving as new colonists arrived because most of them were puritans.

D. They ended up living in peace with the Wampanoags until 1664 .

E. Puritans like the pilgrims were religous people and they celebrated their religous freedom.

V. Conclusion

A. The founding of english colonies in Massachussets combined violence and religion to create a community.

B. Miles Standish used violence to protect the colonies.

C. Benjamin Church used leadership to take over the indians.

D. The colonies were founded on religion.

E. There was a constant battle between the pilgrims and the indians and many men helped to make the pilgrim community the best one as possible. Everything was based on religion and in order to keep the religion the same they had to use violence.

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